To keep the import supply
chain from tangling…
Happy Hour Consult
Does your team have the bigger pieces of your import strategy configured and just need assistance in one area?
A hyper-focused call, a “Happy Hour,” where the goal is to solve one facet of your import strategy may be best. Example areas are high-level U.S. alcohol industry guidance, tax and tariff benefits, U.S. operations setup, shipping, and costing.
Price: $250 USD
Package includes 60 minute call along with follow up guidelines and notes.
Another Round Consult
Your team has the import and supply chain under control. In fact, maybe your product is already here in the U.S. and you are trying to grow more!
Perhaps an understanding of who other players are in the space would be helpful. We can work together to see what assistance your should be looking for next!
Package includes 60 minute call. Introductions to other experts in the space is the goal!
Price: $150 USD
Full Pour Package
The whole (bottle) offering. After an exploratory call, we build out a personalized proposal for your company that offers support for the major steps in your import supply chain to the U.S.
Price: per proposal
The package includes, but is not limited to, a U.S. alcohol industry overview, training, personalized process maps, a review of tax & tariff benefits, U.S. operations understanding, shipping setup, and costing reviews.
Packages typically run 60-90 days. Breakdown of how many meetings and resources are provided in proposal.